Scott Logan
  • Male
  • United States

Scott Logan's Friends

  • Dolores Totorica
  • Rob and Anne Johnson
  • Kay Hummel
  • Diane (Murphy) Emigh
  • Michael Brunelle

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San Lorenzo class of ...
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About me:
I was one of students in the first Onate program 1974-75. And I returned to live in San Sebastian in 1977, 1978 and 1979. I Also lived and worked in South America and Mexico. But I didn't get back to Spain until 2000. It had changed in so many ways, but it was the same in so many other ways.

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At 7:35pm on May 26, 2009, Judy and Steve Artis said…
Hey Scott - you have so many popular! We will be in Idaho the end of July and first of August - would love to catch up and see you. How are things going for you? I am currently unemployed, first time in my life....I have painted my house and love the time for gardening, reading and taking care of the grandkids. I babysit Aidan and Maitetxu two or three days a week - that is very fun and rewarding. Wish you could meet them - Aidan is alot like Amaya - very talkative - at his 4th BD party yesterday his wish when he blew out the candles was for everyone to be the best they could be! What a kid - they teach you so much. See you in July - send me you cell# and I will connect with you in Boise...take care. Jude
At 5:10pm on April 11, 2009, Rob and Anne Johnson said…
Ni haody doody Scott! We need to organize another rendezvous before we head out on another international teaching adventure in Bosnia.
At 10:53pm on April 5, 2009, S. Lorenzo Times said…
Yes, please post that article. You just have to sign in, and at the very top right in the little box there is a drop-down menu that says "Quick Add", click on it and select "Blog Post". You can write in the window that comes up, or copy text from another document and paste it in.
At 6:49pm on April 5, 2009, Kay Hummel said…
I remember your article (vaguely!). Can you digitize it and post it as a blog on SL Times somewhere? Or give hard copie to JoanieS? She will be back in Boise mid to late month, so let's try to get together. Gero arte,
At 11:22am on April 5, 2009, Michael Brunelle said…
Sitting here eating a "croisan a la plancha". The croissant came from 7-11, and I used my own plancha, but it still reminds me of some good old days in Donosti. Hope you are well.
At 11:12pm on April 2, 2009, Kay Hummel said…
Scott you codger,
Are you okay? With all the layoffs, I've lost track. Let's do coffee or something stronger one of these days. Joanie Sullivan has a fun idea about compiling memories from our year I'd like your thoughts on, also.
At 10:55pm on April 2, 2009, Michael Brunelle said…
Scott, do you have an e-mail address for Dan Gallagher?
At 2:16am on January 13, 2009, Jamie Jones said…
Scott, I did not get your email. Pls try again

Thanks - Jamie
At 7:51pm on January 12, 2009, Michael Brunelle said…
Comments go up on this "wall" where all can see. You can send a private e-mail where it says "send a message" or "inbox" (on this page under your name and on any page where your name appears in the box at the top of the third column, you can also click on the icon that looks like an envelope at the very top of the page next to your name on the black band.

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