Iñaki Galdos Irazabal's Comments

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At 10:13pm on May 20, 2014, Rob and Anne Johnson said…

Good luck Inaki with your book project about our great year in Onati forty years ago. We live in Boise and can be reached at either 208-965-3158 or 208-936-1078.

Rob and Anne Johnson

At 1:30pm on May 14, 2014, Stan Davidson said…

Dear Inaki, I am very excited to hear of your project. Although I am not in Boise (I live south of Los Angeles), I will be in Onati in September 2015.

This studies abroad program, no, this adventure that we all participated in, was such a life changing event for all of us and I am so happy that you are attempting to document it. The timing and political climate were unique to a bunch of young Americans who had never experienced anything like it before. We grew far more out in the streets than in the classrooms.


Please feel free to contact me at any time.

(562) 882-6444

Stan (Arrizabalaga) Davidson  

At 9:12pm on April 11, 2014, Ron Wilper said…
Welcome Inaki. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow. Ron Wilper

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